Netflix is Introducing Advertisements to a Conflicted Audience
Image: BY ANNA BOWMAN In the days where most entertainment was digested primarily through television, online streaming was only just burgeoning. Television viewers griped about lengthy commercial breaks and how much they took away from their amusement based on what they were watching, but they were correct on their complaints: since 2017, the number of advertisements squeezed into a show's broadcast time has increased. The American public is being exposed to more advertising than ever before, even when solely basing the intake on television viewing. Commercial breaks and the complaints surrounding them pushed people to inevitably jump on the bandwagon of streaming services when they became popular. Many people "cut the cord" to their cable providers and strictly stuck to services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon's Prime Video in order to keep up with their preferred entertainment; in a survey conducted by Deloitte, a consulting firm, 88% of millennials ...